Helpful Resources Return Home Glen Keith Foster
Professor of Mathematics
NorthWest Arkansas Community College Office: SC 327 & WCC 104 · · 479.619.4380

Helpful Resources

Getting Help

Suggestions for Academic Success in Mathematics - ten suggestions to help you be successful when taking a math class. Most of these are very sensible, but should be stated anyway.

Our Math Center - go to Burn's Hall on the main campus to get tutoring help. It's FREE!!! Tutoring is not available at the Washington County Campus (The WC) at this time.

Special Methods for Solving Problems

The DIETS Method - this five step method is excellence for solving word problems (or applications) in all areas, from algebra to differential equations

Killing the Fraction Method - instead of having to formally find the LCD (or LCM), use this alternative method for simplifying complex fractions or solving rational equations
